I wish to adjust and add to an earlier post in regards to Silverlight. In relations to her necklace I had said she used it to disguise her real appearance and enable her to move around her nation. I wish to change this and make it so that lighting her necklace enables her to turn into her superhero form.
In Fierca the royal line is passed down from Father to Daugther to Mother to Son. She is next in line to the throne but many feel it is not right as many have been fighting her family's eligibility as the royal family since her uncle was denied the throne. In this world you do not simply get the throne because your the oldest or the right gender. You go through many tests to see if you are capable. It could be that a king or queen's children are all incapable so then the nephews and nieces are tried and so on. Josephine's uncle though the oldest and of the right gender failed the tests so her father took the throne as he passed. Something of this nature had not happen in hundreds of years. Those of the right gender and oldest almost always passed the tests. Her uncle infuriated and embarassed attempted the murder of his brother soon after but failed and was banished.
Josephine has always enjoyed war or not so much war but the prepartion and the determination one needed to overcome it. If she was not chosen to be queen and instead her sisters were then she would've liked to been appointed as general of her father's army. She is best known for her good temperment and excellent judgement. She is the eldest.
In regards to powers only being reserved to royal families. There are twenty royal families who have been marrying one another for many centuries. However, never had a person ever been able to have more than one elemental powers. Through Fiercan Science they were able to change their genetics to be able to accept more than one power. Many of the nations are scared of this ability as the Fiercans are the only ones who can do this, and the race to discover this power is putting many on edge.
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