
Lois, if anyone knows what it's like to be on the outside, I do. Sometimes I feel like I'm out there fighting all alone. Sometimes I feel like giving up. But, then I remember that what I stand for is more important than anything else.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wonder Woman part 2

          Last time around I gave my two cents about The All-New Wonder Woman issue 601 this time around is issue 602.  In issue 602, we follow Wonder Woman to Turkey where a bunch of armed men have the Amazonians trapped in an ancient Temple. Wonder Woman is able to make herself inside the temple but when she enters she is unable to convince the Amazonians there to immediately leave. Their priestess is hurt and needs time to recuperate before any of them are willing to leave. Wonder Woman is beside herself and does not know what to do.
            She confronts one of the young Amazonians who is one of the most adamant about not wanting to leave the priestess behind. The young woman owns a shield with the face of Wonder Woman's mother on it. Wonder Woman barely remembers her mother so she is so enamored by the portrait on the shield. She discovers that the memory of her mother brings these women strength and for her memory their willing to do anything. This brings to light a multitude of feelings for Wonder Woman. She decides to wait for the priestess and fleas to soltitude and begins to argue with the gods. One does not know if she is actually talking to the gods or if she's just fighting her inner frustrations of being stuck in such a precarious situation but one can just feel her desperation.
         The priestess finally gets better but Wonder Woman sees that they can't get out like they could've if they would of taken her advice and left immediately. Although, the gods told her that some would die she is so angry at them for first abandoning her people and second for being so negative that she sends the Amazonians through the back exit as she makes a distraction in the front exit to prove to the gods that they don't know everything. She fights vallantly but is so overwhelmed that one of the other Amazonians has to bravely come to  her rescue, but when giving Wonder Woman her shield she is left defenseless and is murdered. Wonder Woman becomes furious and goes on a rampage. Most of the Amazonians are able to escape and and it appears Wonder Woman wins her battle against all those men.
         I noticed a few peculiar things about this issue that is something I am not accustomed to when I think about Wonder Woman. She was not as powerful as I'm used to her and neither were the Amazonians. They all appear weak and a little too human. Their usually put on a pedestal but in these last two issues they just look so helpless. But I guess that might be the point as Wonder Woman herself just seems so at a loss.  It is also something to note that the famous Wonder Woman has still not been referred to as Wonder Woman in the last two issues. She is in fact just Princess Diana which is her secret but not so secret identity. It is as Princess Diana that she is going to pursue her destiny and not as Wonder Woman which I also find really strange. I guess to find out what is happening I'm going to have to stay tune.

1 comment:

  1. Wonder Woman becomes furious and goes on a rampage.

    I read these issues and this sense of fury and angst actually stopped me from reading further. I see so much of this kind of revisionism, in which previously strong heroes revert to a sort of tense, angry adolescence and end up wanting to bash heads. It gets old really fast. In any case, I'm not sure the creators of the "new" Wonder Woman are bringing anything new to the table.
